Teeth of the Canyon

The Fern Canyon does not feel claustrophobic when you are hiking deep in its belly but conveying that feeling visually is a little tricky.  You never feel trapped but, your line of sight is constantly crippled by the canyons relentless winding through the redwood forest.  When the  twisting and turing path lets up, there will be a tangled dead fall futilely clawing its way back up the walls to regain its lost position among the canopy above.  Over the decades these giants are slowly ingested by the insatiable river bed below.  If the Canyon is this beasts mouth, then the ferns are its teeth. Like a shark there are rows and rows of these, perilously angled inward, as if to make your escape all the more difficult.  Lucky for us, we were too swift a prey for this ageless predator.

ISO 800 : 16mm : -1 ev : f 2.8 : 1/500