Roll in the Hay

When driving across country a photographer has one goal in mind, creating a visual story of america.  What it is and what it looks like.  Most of us invasion capturing rural america, probably because we have a ration fear that it is slowly slipping into extinction.  Well on our particular trip, we have decided to take as many back roads and rural routes that we can.  Maybe we are doing this because we have spent the last 15 years in mega-techno-california -urban-sprawls and we started to believe that this way of life has already gone the way of the dodo, I don’t know.  But now that we are well into our trip, I can tell you the rural life style is still going strong and still the driving force behind this country.  What better way to describe this landscape then with the artistically rolled bail of hay lounging roadside in the warm Montana summer sun.

ISO 400 : 16mm : -2ev : f 9 :1/1600