Road Trip!

What better way to kick off a new photography blog then to do it with a road trip!  My family and I are going to take a month long journey across the US.  Not Only that, but when we hit our destination in Cape Cod, we will be starting up our own photography business.  Yes, in this down economy I traded in my safe career to venture out into the world of professional photography!  Well, to be honest it is not that big of a leap.  You see, since the late nineties, I have been working in the feature film industry as a visual effects artist.  So my job has been to create dramatic imagery, now I am just going to do it at a different capacity.  I am hoping that through this blog I will be able to share with you our fantastic trip,  our leap into business ownership, my own photography techniques and of course my translation of high-end cinematic visual effects into the still image.  In future posts I will be covering everything from advancements in photography gear to photoshop wizardry, but keeping it light.  Because, really, if photography isn’t fun then it isn’t worth it!