August’s Apple

Things may look a little different around here now.  Over the weekend I switched out the theme for inebetweenstops, I transitioned to one that was a little more versatile yet still simple.  Of course, I thought this would be a little change but that is never the case.  Now lets Also throw in that I am transitioning from Aperture to Lightroom.  I feel like I am trying to sprint in quick sand.  Today’s Lightroom pet peeve; adobe, Where the hell is your soft proofing?  Hard to call Lightroom a professional application with out it.  Enough with all that business, this is about photography and my tag line is Funtography! So lets bring on the fun!

This is one of our apple trees.  It is a small tree and this is the only piece of fruit hanging on it!  I still find it pretty cool.  Since we arrived on the Cape, August noticed this apple.  Every time he goes near this tree, he points and laughs at this apple.  We have to pick him up to get a closer look.  If we had the arm strength he would stare at this apple from that vantage point all day.  We are now into september and fall is right around the corner, I have a feeling we will be off to the orchards very soon so August can pick apples to his hearts desire.

ISO 100 : 35mm :  ƒ/2.8 : 1/800 sec : No Tripod