
©Rob Nitsch

Sometimes a smile will concur a miss focus.  Well this is really just a throw away image for me, I am just using it as an example of home many throw away images you will have when photographing a toddler.  They will run from you, run away from you and just plain try to elude you but, I can tell you shooting children can be the most fun YOU can have as a photographer.  Make sure you shoot a lot of photos because your ratio of keeper to rejected photos is going to be a little depressing.  The keepers though, are going to be some of your most favorite photos in your portfolio!  Also limber up before the session because you will definitely be diving, crawling climbing and rolling on the ground to get your shots.

©Rob Nitsch

Warning:  All children charge!  In the first shot August was coming at me so fast that I couldn’t get the focus and hold my flash, well I ended up on my ass!