Cemetery Season

The season is upon us to spend a bit more time in the graveyards.  I personally love them, it is something that missing from the west coast landscape.  While there are cemeteries out west, they are much more uniform and organized then their counterparts on the eastern seaboard.  Nothing beats the New England cemeteries,  It is easy to stumble upon markers with dates going back to the 1600’s.  The layout of these graveyards seem sporadic and random.  I also love the weathered art work adorning these beautiful stones.  They are usually decorated with sculls, angles or just graphical designs.  Some people may find it morbid to spend time in these locations but I find it extremely peaceful and a great way connect with our past.  Anytime is a great time to visit but they are magical in the autumn.  I hope to have many more moody grave site photos in the next few months.


ISO 50 : 50 mm : ƒ/1.2 : 1/3200 sec : No Tripod