Napa Road

When on the road you need to be flexible, especially when traveling with a 17 month old. As Laura Dern said in Jurassic Park, “You just think you have control, thats the illusion!” So I am going to be uploading photographs with explanations over the next few weeks instead of writing longer articles on photo techniques.
I captured this photo in Napa California. We had a very busy day and I almost didn’t go out and shoot, but then late afternoon light started bathing the valley. It was irresistible! With about an hour to sunset , I jumped in the car and blindly drove into the valley, with minimal directions from our local friends, I found this lovely dirt road cutting through the vineyards. I hoped out of the car, jumped up on the roof and made this photo. I can not stress how amazing the light is in napa, you may be drinking burgundy but light is all chardonnay!


ISO 400